rustypants speaks

youth pastor. husband. idiot. why should you care? it's beyond me.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Christmas, cookies, and snow.

Christmas was good this year. Nothing incredibly exciting but a good visit with Lise's family up in Toledo. When we were driving back to Cincinnati I kept thinking to myself how nice it would be if all the snow on our driveway magically disappeared while we were gone. Reality bites sometimes. :-)

Tonight was cookies n milk night at youth group - fun and crazy. Lots of cookies (we've got 3 bags of them still out in the car), gallons of milk, some crazy games and the best youth group on the planet.

We're starting a series on God At The Movies, similar to what Brian McLaren does every year. May even do a couple of the same movies he looked at, but with a different focus. Next week we're looking at the Lord of the Rings (so many themes to choose from - good & evil, inner struggles, the cost of following, the results of deviant obsessions). We could go on for weeks about this movie, but want to limit it to one movie a week for a couple of weeks, then do something different.

We've begun planning for our summer serving program (Serving Up Thursdays) and a tentative spring break service project or two. Ideas? Comments? Questions?


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